Turfside Dining Room

Stall Applications
2025 Stall Applications are now available.
There are links below for Electonic and Printable Stall Applications.
Deadline to submit stall applications is March 8, 2025. Late applicants may have their stalls relocated for the upcoming season.
Electronic Submission of Stall Application
To fill out and return your stall application Electronically please follow the instructions below:
1) Downlaod the "2025 Stall Application Electronic Submission.pdf" from from this page.
2) Open the form in adobe acrobat. (free versions available near the bottom of this page)
3) Fill out the form typing the correct information into each field & save the document.
4) Email the newly saved document to jeder@forterieracetrack.ca .
Paper Submission of Stall Applications
Stall applications can be printed and dropped off to Harry Eder or the Administration building.
Printed forms can also be mailed to:
Attn: Harry Eder
230 Catherine St., P.O. Box 1130
Fort Erie, ON
L2A 5N9
*Horsepeople requesting more information, or those who would like a stall application mailed to you, please contact Harry Eder, Coordinator of Horsepeople’s Relations at 365-880-1886.
Vaccination Requirements
Please note that in addition to having up-to-date Coggins and rhino/flu vaccines, horses will also be required to have EHV 1 vaccines prior to admission to Fort Erie Race Track's backstretch. Get more information about vaccination requirements in the letter below.
In or Out Slips
All horses shipping in or out of Fort Erie Race Track will be required to have in or out slips approved by the Race Office.
Horsepeople will be required to fill in a request form, available here or from the Race Office. These forms must be fully completed and returned to the Race Office.
In or out slips will be issued the following day upon approval of the Racing Secretary/Stallman.
Please be advised that the Race Office will be closed on Wednesdays, necessitating requests to be made on Monday during normal business hours if you plan to ship a horse on Wednesday or Thursday.
No horses will be allowed in or out of the stable area without an in or out slip!
Fort Erie Race Track supplies our downloadable documents exclusively in PDF (portable document format). Your computer will require Adobe Reader in order to open, save and print these documents. You can download the latest version of Adobe Reader from the manufacturer's website. Click the button below to download the latest version of Adobe Reader.